PRESENT HISTORY OF MUSIC EDUCATION AT THE HIGHER LEVEL IN MEXICO : A closer look at the national outlook in 2020


Irma Susana Carbajal Vaca; María Esther Aguirre Lora; Juan Reyes Unzueta; Mayra Analía Patiño Orozco; Luis Alfonso Estrada Rodríguez; Laura Gutiérrez Gallardo; Federico Sastré Barragán; Karla María Reynoso Vargas ; Ramón Alvarado Angulo ; Adriana Marina Martínez Maldonado ; Arturo Pérez López ; Alfonso Pérez Sánchez; Yolotl Reyes Moreno; Carolina García Trejo; Laura Orozco Ramos; Gabriel Pareyón Morales; Hirepan Solorio Farfán; José Marcos Partida Valdivia; Norka Harper de Castillo; Pedro Laurencio Sánchez Meza; Mario Alberto Vázquez Peralta; Karla Maythé Figueroa Guzmán; Nakú Magdalena Díaz González Santillán; Manuel Felipe Espinás Valdés; Magdalena Moreno Caballero; Myrna Dalia Rodríguez Vidal; Raúl W. Capistrán Gracia; Luis Díaz Santana Garza; Sonia Medrano Ruiz


An approach to the national panorama in 2020, unfolds a variegated panorama by specifying its route in more than a dozen of Music degrees in force in the country; it confronts us with the institutional memories, the ways of doing, the successes, but also with the gaps, the nodes, the blind spots where we can see the interwoven histories gestated in the course of decades, if not centuries, sedimented in our present.


  • Prologue: Lens on Mexican Bachelor's Degree Programs in Music
    María Esther Aguirre Lora
  • Chapter 1
    Music degrees: More than a hundred possibilities in Mexico
    Irma Susana Carbajal Vaca
  • Chapter 2
    Universidad Autónoma de Aguascalientes: The first ten years of life of the Bachelor's Degree in Music.
    Juan Reyes Unzueta
  • Chapter 3
    Musical Professionalization at the University of Colima: Voices that spun its beginning.
    Mayra Analía Patiño Orozco
  • Chapter 4
    The School of Music and the Master's and Doctoral Program in Music at UNAM
    Luis Alfonso Estrada Rodríguez, Laura Gutiérrez Gallardo, Federico Sastré Barragán
  • Chapter 5
    Universidad Juárez del Estado de Durango: The development of music majors
    Karla María Reynoso Vargas
  • Chapter 6
    Music Department of the Universidad de Guanajuato: origen, desarrollo y transformación a través de sus procesos educativos
    Ramón Alvarado Angulo , Adriana Marina Martínez Maldonado , Arturo Pérez López , Alfonso Pérez Sánchez
  • Chapter 7
    The Bachelor's Degree in Music at the Institute of Arts of the Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Hidalgo: Processes in a program.
    Yolotl Reyes Moreno
  • Chapter 8
    Universidad de Guadalajara: Historical overview of music education and music department programs.
    Carolina García Trejo, Laura Orozco Ramos
  • Chapter 9
    Privations and constraints in the career of Music Composition at the Universidad de Guadalajara: five decades (1969-2019).
    Gabriel Pareyón Morales
  • Chapter 10
    Tell me graduate: The professionalization of musical practices in Morelia, Michoacán
    Hirepan Solorio Farfán
  • Chapter 11
    Universidad Autónoma de Nayarit: The Bachelor's Degree in Music as a pioneer program in music education at the higher level.
    José Marcos Partida Valdivia
  • Chapter 12
    History of the Universidad de Montemorelos School of Music
    Norka Harper de Castillo, Pedro Laurencio Sánchez Meza, Mario Alberto Vázquez Peralta
  • Chapter 13
    Curricular challenges of the Bachelor's Degree in Music at the Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla.
    Karla Maythé Figueroa Guzmán, Nakú Magdalena Díaz González Santillán, Manuel Felipe Espinás Valdés, Magdalena Moreno Caballero, Myrna Dalia Rodríguez Vidal
  • Chapter 14
    El Colegio de San Juan Siglo XXI: Reflections on performance twenty years after its creation.
    Raúl W. Capistrán Gracia
  • Chapter 15
    History of Music Education in Zacatecas: From the 19th Century to the Present Day
    Luis Díaz Santana Garza, Sonia Medrano Ruiz



March 31, 2022
