ART, LANGUAGE AND CULTURE: Construction of knowledge and deconstruction of knowledge


Ximena Gómez Goyzueta; Biagio Grillo, Author; Ximena Gómez Goyzueta, Author; María de Lourdes Martínez Barrientos, Author; Blanca Elena Sanz Martin, Author; Cristina Eslava Heredia, Author; Ana M. Castillo Rodríguez, Author; Sarahí Lay Trigo, Author; Nadia Berenice Sánchez Herrera, Author; Irma Susana Carbajal Vaca, Author; Raúl W. Capistrán Gracia, Author; Juan Pablo Correa Ortega, Author; Vicente de Jesús Fernández Mora, Author; Walter Federico Gadea Aiello, Author; Miriam Ortiz Cortés, Author; Eduardo Plazola Meza, Author


This volume is a compilation of specialized research articles dealing with diverse areas of culture: language, literature, theater, dance and music. The treatments given to these phenomena come from interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary theoretical and methodological perspectives from the humanities, social sciences and other areas of health sciences. These investigations are the product of the academic and research development promoted by the Interinstitutional Doctorate in Arts and Culture, with its headquarters at the Center for Arts and Culture of the Autonomous University of Aguascalientes, in a joint effort between students and professors-researchers.


  • Prologue
    Ximena Gómez Goyzueta
  • A girl's gaze, an exile's gaze: the civil war in Cherries
    Biagio Grillo
  • Alfonso Reyes' Letras de la Nueva España: towards the identification of a critical perspective in the enunciative voice.
    Ximena Gómez Goyzueta
  • Contrast between metaphors by future French teachers and dialogue with a researcher.
    María de Lourdes Martínez Barrientos
  • Towards a characterization of Aguascalentense speech during the viceroyalty period
    Blanca Elena Sanz Martin, Cristina Eslava Heredia
  • The collective body as a territory of resistance and artistic creation in Latin American spontaneous theaters.
    Ana M. Castillo Rodríguez
  • Dancing my roots.
    Mexican Folkloric Dancers in Santa Cruz, California
    Sarahí Lay Trigo
  • Technique, costume, scene and body in jazz dance: signs of its history in the present time.
    Nadia Berenice Sánchez Herrera, Irma Susana Carbajal Vaca
  • Historical music archives.
    Experiences of a researcher
    Raúl W. Capistrán Gracia
  • Codes of the affective meaning of music
    Irma Susana Carbajal Vaca, Juan Pablo Correa Ortega
  • “Don’t touch the jazz, Adorno, don’t touch the jazz.”
    Scope and limitations of the Adornian critique of jazz as popular music
    Vicente de Jesús Fernández Mora, Walter Federico Gadea Aiello
  • Intentional music education: Semiotic mobilizations in the teaching-learning process of orchestral conducting.
    Irma Susana Carbajal Vaca, Miriam Ortiz Cortés
  • The “putacera”.
    The case for Mexxxicore Death Fest 2019.
    Eduardo Plazola Meza
Arte, lengua y cultura




May 4, 2022

