This is not a magic book, it is simply a university book that presents a different way to explain the techniques of electric circuit analysis than the conventional ones. The first three chapters address the definitions and the main bases that must be known to start with electricity; topics such as resistors, inductors, capacitors, current and voltage sources –dependent and independent–, as well as Ohm's Law, the Power Law and Kirchhoff's Laws. Likewise, the arrangement of resistors in series, parallel, mixed connection, star and delta are studied within the first three chapters in which all circuits have only one power source.
It is from chapter four to chapter eight where the techniques for the analysis of electric circuits begin. The techniques that are explained are: Mesh Analysis, Node Analysis, Linearity and Superposition Theorem, Source Transformation, Thévenin's Theorem and Norton's Theorem. 11 different problems are solved with various dependent and independent sources, both voltage and current, and with the most diverse possible configurations in the resistor arrangement.
Chapters nine to eleven present a complement of topics necessary for the study of electric circuits, the topics are: the Maximum Power Transfer Theorem, the Actuation of RL and RC circuits and, finally, an introduction to the study of the Bipolar Junction Transistor or BJT. In addition to all of the above, in most of the chapters a considerable number of exercises are proposed, all with the answers, so that what has been learned can be put into practice.
It should be noted that the difference that will be found in this book, compared to any other, is that all of its problems are solved with each of the analysis techniques, which makes it possible that, from the comparison of the different methods or techniques, the student can establish which one or ones are the most appropriate to solve one or another type of circuit.
The purpose of this book is to broaden the range of options, to show students that there are different alternatives with which the same electrical circuit can be solved, so that it is understood that, as in life, there are various alternatives with which one can face adversity.


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