CONTEXT AND VALUE: Perspectives for the company


Carlos Eduardo Romo Bacco (ed)
Neftalí Parga Montoya (ed)
Javier Eduardo Vega Martínez (ed)
Héctor Abraham Cortés Palacios (ed)


The current business context perceives value-generating economic units as a key component in the development of any country or region. In this sense, the interplay between the organization's own characteristics, public policies, market peculiarities and needs, and regional structural development, among others, determines the success or failure of companies. Various studies have shown the need to build new knowledge based on the strengths of each of the actors involved in the value chains, as well as the obligations that entrepreneurs have towards local, regional, and global sustainability.
This book brings together texts by authors from five higher education institutions in different parts of the country to address, from various perspectives, the complexity of value chains. With this, the participation of authors in different fields of knowledge contributes to the consolidation of contributions around the productive and organizational processes of Economic Units, who recognize the generation of value in organizations and directly, with the LGAC of the Academic Body in Consolidation Competitiveness and Value Chain. It consists of six chapters in which the corresponding authors present various approaches to contextualize the environment and perspectives of organizations in the search for better conditions for their own development and that of the region where they operate.
The dynamics present in the wealth creation processes in the Mexican countryside are shown in the first chapter. The capacities to acquire knowledge that should be achieved by entrepreneurs are pointed out in the second chapter. The third chapter addresses how family members assume important roles for the development and consolidation of companies. For several years, organizations in the primary sector in Mexico have had difficulties in coming together in the search for common benefits; some schemes of association among agricultural producers in the Mexican Altiplano are shown in the fourth chapter. Inter-company cooperation as a means of consolidating organizations is pointed out in the fifth chapter. Finally, the sixth chapter addresses the perceptions of university students regarding responsible consumption.


  • Foreword
  • Rural dynamics:
    The role of entrepreneurial orientation in poverty reduction
    Neftalí Parga Montoya
  • Knowledge absorption capacity in companies providing services:
    The impact of the company's maturity
    Lesly Katherin Herrera Riveros, Héctor Cuevas Vargas
  • Organizational structure based on the roles of family members as a management strategy for the survival of family businesses
    Rosa Mayela Esparza Mendoza, Héctor Abraham Cortés Palacios
  • Associative schemes in the Capsicum annuum chile production chain in the Mexican highlands
    Carlos Eduardo Romo Bacco, María del Carmen Montoya Landeros, Abril Areli Llamas Martínez
  • Social responsibility and corporate cooperation:
    from shame to morality
    Karina Montiel González
  • Responsible consumption behavior of young university students
    Alejandra Marín Alcalá, Berenice Juárez López, Grace Aileen Ruiz Santoyo
CONTEXTO Y VALOR: Perspectivas para la empresa



April 3, 2024
