TOWARDS THE FOURTH WAVE OF FEMINISM: Wanting to finally have it all


Melissa Aimé Fernández Chagoya (ed)


In May 2016, the first call for the Seminar on Gender Studies: Contemporary Theories and Political Action was launched. This seminar was conceived and led by the coordinator of this book and was held at the facilities of the Universidad del Claustro de Sor Juana in Mexico City. The seminar provided a space for reflection, featuring weekly thematic sessions open to students and the general public free of charge. Each cycle of the seminar lasted two semesters, meaning approximately twenty-five sessions were held per year. The invited speakers—artists, academics, and activists—were experts in contemporary feminist issues and generously shared their knowledge and methodologies with diverse audiences at no cost. While the general framework was both theoretical and experiential, the seminar was developed with a research focus on feminist participatory action. Consequently, each seminar cohort evaluated the speakers based on two criteria: theoretical learning and the impact of that knowledge on their personal lives.

This compilation brings together the best works, selected by the participants over the course of six seminar cycles. It also represents the systematization of the seminar, through which we aim to establish the specific foundations of the current fourth wave of feminism, showcasing research and concrete proposals for political action. Its significance lies in its multidisciplinary analytical approach, revealing how gender logic operates in our society to promote equality and justice through the defense of women's rights and those of historically marginalized political identities. Drawing from cultural and social anthropology, the book establishes theoretical frameworks from sociology, political science, social psychology, applied philosophy, theology, and pedagogy. The goal is to construct a critical perspective on gender issues and identify the key elements shaping the political agenda of this emerging fourth wave.

Additionally, the publication of Toward the Fourth Wave of Feminism: Wanting to Finally Have It All seeks to expand the dissemination of multidisciplinary knowledge surrounding the fourth wave. Though frequently referenced on social media and criticized in the mass media, this movement has been sparsely documented and analyzed in academic contexts. This book, therefore, examines some of the key issues that the fourth wave addresses, aiming to foster a deeper understanding of a social movement that is undoubtedly approaching mass phenomenon status. Its content—academic in nature yet with strong social impact—underwent peer review in an initial phase. Later, for this extended compilation, the book was reviewed by an expert outside the seminar to ensure objectivity.

The book is structured as follows. The introductory section, the preface, explains the metaphor of wanting to finally have it all in relation to how we are currently shaping the fourth wave of feminism. The selected texts are then organized into two main sections. The first, titled Those Who Gave Us Everything, highlights the necessity of constructing a feminist genealogy that is geopolitically situated, our own, uniquely ours. This section seeks to reinterpret and reclaim history, acknowledging both our past efforts and the legacy we continue to build for present and future generations of women. The second section, In the First Person: Being (in) Our Bodies, establishes self-enunciation as a legitimate way of generating knowledge and rethinking academia. One of the defining features of the fourth wave of feminism is precisely this capacity for agency and self-enunciation, embodying a way of existing on our own terms, without seeking permission. Following this premise, we emphasize that we are bodies—bodies that serve as sites of resistance, struggle, and pleasure, but also as spaces where violence, dispossession, and discrimination occur in multiple forms.

One final note to you, the reader: It is essential to recognize that this is a collective work, and we suggest that it be read as such—thinking in the plural so that we may act accordingly.


  • Preface
    Finally wanting to have it all: a historical and geopolitical review to gauge the magnitude of the current tide
    Melissa Aimé Fernández Chagoya
  • Ecoerossophies in the Era of the Viral: Decolonial Epistemic Dissidences
    Marilú Rojas Salazar
  • A female struggle for spiritual and moral autonomy: Spanish pioneers educating Nahua girls in New Spain (1531-1536)
    María Cristina Ríos Espinosa
  • Sapphic Letters Chest: Perspectives on Mexican Lesbian Poetry
    Odette Alonso Yodú
  • Our Inner Sor Juana: Contemporary Feminist Representations and Interpretations
    Melissa Aimé Fernández Chagoya
  • Inhabit the word
    Natalia Simoncini
  • The Salander Legacy
    María Teresa Garzón Martínez
  • Obesity Surgery: Rhetoric of a Masculinized Medical Technology
    Izchel Cosío Barroso
  • Twisting the education of educational policies, curriculum, and teaching practice on the body and affection
    Ignacio Lozano Verduzco
  • Art, Violence, and Masculinity: Distant Notes for Their Destruction
    Héctor Iván Delgado Estrada
  • Careta, caretita: illustrated story about trans childhoods
    Lía Nereida García Barreto
  • About this compilation and its tide: knowing and recognizing some of its narrators

Author Biographies

Melissa Aimé Fernández Chagoya, Coordinadora

Since 2017, she has been a member of Mexico's National System of Researchers (Sistema Nacional de Investigadores) under CONACyT. She currently holds Level 1 status in Area 6, Social Sciences. From 2014 to 2017, she served as Mexico's Alternate Expert before the Belém do Pará Convention. She holds a Ph.D. in Social Sciences with a concentration in Women and Gender Relations from the Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana. Her dissertation received the 2015 Academic Mention Award, was approved for publication by the Center for Women's Anthropology Studies in 2018, and was released under a Creative Commons license in 2020.

She also holds a Master 2 degree in Gender and Development from Université Diderot-Paris 7, a Master's degree in Gender and Cultural Studies with a focus on Social Sciences from the Universidad de Chile, and a Bachelor's degree in Social Anthropology from the National School of Anthropology and History (Escuela Nacional de Antropología e Historia). She has been a university lecturer since 2011 and is the co-author of three books addressing topics such as youth and masculinity, sexual consumption, and men's involvement in human trafficking for sexual exploitation. Additionally, she has authored four manuals aimed at eradicating violence against women in Mexico.

She coordinated the book Multidisciplinary Perspectives on Masculinity: Challenges for the Administration of Justice and has published academic articles, essays, and book chapters specializing in gender theories and feminist political action. She also coordinated and founded the Seminar on Gender Studies: Contemporary Theories and Political Action (first generation, 2016), the Diploma Program for the Training of Equality Agents (first generation, 2017), and the Seminar/Diploma Program on the Reconstruction of Mexico’s Social Fabric: Citizenship, Democracy, and a Culture of Peace (first generation, 2018).

Additionally, she is the author of the online courses Gender and Feminisms: Theoretical Currents and Equality Practices and Masculinities: Theories and Practices on Being a Man.


Marilú Rojas Salazar

Feminist. She holds a PhD in Systematic Theology from the Catholic University of Louvain, Belgium. Professor of the PhD in Critical Gender Studies at the Universidad Iberoamericana in Mexico City and of the Master in Theology and Contemporary World of the Department of Religious Sciences of the same institution. Professor of the Master's Degree in Gender Studies and Theology at the Theological Community of Mexico. Professor of Theology at Lasalle University. She is a member of Teólogas e Investigadoras Feministas de México. Director of Sofíaς / Interdisciplinary Journal of Feminist Theology. Founding member of the Mexican Academy of Theology of the Pontifical University of Mexico. She is a member of the Red de Teólogas, Pastoras y Lideresas Cristianas (Red Tepali).


María Cristina Ríos Espinosa

D. in Philosophy from the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM). Member of the National System of Researchers of the National Council of Science and Technology, level 1. 2007 Medal of Academic Merit awarded by the Faculty of Philosophy and Letters of the UNAM. In 2005 she did a research stay at the Faculty of Philosophy of the Complutense University of Madrid. Master in Philosophy from UNAM and member of the Board of Directors of the Mexican Association of Aesthetic Studies (Amest; 2011-present). Specialist in political philosophy, aesthetics and political hermeneutics. Member of the Philosophical Association of Mexico (2004-present). Editorial coordinator of Cuadernos Amest numbers 2 and 3; co-author of Cuadernos Amest numbers 1, 2 and 4. Coordinator and co-author of Reflexiones en torno al ser del arte (Mexico: Universidad Iberoamericana, 2013) and Revolución de independencia e identidad cultural (Mexico: Asociación Mexicana de Estudios de Estética, 2013).


Odette Alonso Yodú

She is a poet and storyteller. She was born in Santiago de Cuba and has lived in Mexico since 1992. Her notebook Últimos días de un país won the 2019 Clemencia Isaura Poetry Prize in Mazatlán; with Old Music Island she won the 2017 National LGBTTTI Zacatecas Poetry Prize and Insomnios en la noche del espejo won the “Nicolás Guillén” International Poetry Prize in 1999. Author of the novel Espejo de tres cuerpos (Mexico, Quimera, 2009), and the books of short stories Con la boca abierta (Madrid, Odisea, 2006; Mexico, Voces en Tinta, 2017) and Hotel Pánico (Xalapa, Universidad Veracruzana, 2013), as well as fifteen collections of poems, the most recent La fiesta del dolor y otros cantos (Mexico, Los Libros del Perro, 2020). Her first two decades of poetic work were gathered in Manuscrito hallado en alta mar (Xalapa, Universidad Veracruzana, 2011) and Bajo esa luna extraña (Madrid, Efory Atocha, 2011). Compiler of Antología de la poesía cubana del exilio (Valencia, Aduana Vieja, 2011) and Género y sus perspectivas (Mexico, UNAM, 2022), and co-editor of Versas y diversas, muestra de poesía lésbica mexicana contemporánea (Aguascalientes, Universidad Autónoma de Aguascalientes, 2020). She founded and organized the series Escritoras Latinoamericanas and Bulevar Arcoíris in the framework of the Feria Internacional del Libro del Palacio de Minería. She is editor of the Dirección General de Publicaciones y Fomento Editorial de la UNAM.


Natalia Simoncini

Argentine artist and music therapist. Singer, composer, guitarist and producer. She has been vocalist of Jaime Torres (Misa criolla, with Mercedes Sosa), with whom she toured nationally and internationally. Artistic ambassador of her country in Mexico, Chile, Colombia, Bolivia, Spain and the United States. She has worked in gender policies for prevention and empowerment, giving clinics, concerts and workshops. She has supported several human rights organizations, among them Abuelas de Plaza de Mayo, in Argentina. In Mexico, she has collaborated with the Centro Estatal de Lenguas, Arte y Literatura Indígenas (CELALI) and the Instituto Nacional de Lenguas Indígenas (Inali); currently, she collaborates with the Red Nacional de Refugios para mujeres víctimas de violencias machistas.


María Teresa Garzón Martínez

Feminist by necessity, self-defense instructor by love, academic by strategy. PhD in Social Sciences from the Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana Xochimilco. Researcher at the Centro de Estudios Superiores de México y Centroamérica of the Universidad de Ciencias y Artes de Chiapas (Unicach), where she co-founded the postgraduate program in Feminist Studies and Intervention. She has published Sólo las amantes serán inmortales / Ensayos y escritos en estudios culturales y feminismo (San Cristóbal de las Casas [Chiapas]: University of Sciences and Arts of Chiapas, 2017), Impersonating the one who one is not / Modernización, criminalidad y no mujeres en la Bogotá de 1920 (San Cristóbal de las Casas [Chiapas]: Universidad de Ciencias y Artes de Chiapas, 2018) and Blanquitud / Una lectura desde la literatura y el feminismo descolonial (Bogotá: En la Frontera-Grupo Latinoamericano de Estudio, Formación y Acción Feminista, 2020).


Izchel Cosío Barroso

Areas of interest: bodies and corporealities, fatness and feminisms, Severance Pay (CTS), diversities and dissidences, and methodological innovation. PhD candidate in Critical Gender Studies at the Ibero-American University. Diploma in Body Studies and Embodiment from El Cuerpo Descifrado. Master's in Anthropology and Development from the University of Chile. Bachelor's degree in Social Anthropology from the National School of Anthropology and History. Teacher and researcher at the National Institute of Public Health. Collaborator with the Continuing Education Department at the Universidad del Claustro de Sor Juana, in the course Methodology, Feminisms, and Gender and in the course Human Rights and Non-Discrimination. Consultant for various governmental institutions and civil society organizations. She specializes in critical studies on fatness and technoscience feminisms from the discourse analysis of obesity and its materialization in bariatric surgery.


Ignacio Lozano Verduzco

He holds a PhD in Psychology from the National Autonomous University of Mexico. Full-time tenured professor at the National Pedagogical University. Member of the National System of Researchers of the National Council of Science and Technology, level 1. Professor with a desirable profile from the Program for the Professional Development of Teachers (Prodep). He is part of three international research networks dedicated to the study of migration, health, and sexual well-being. He has participated in research and community intervention projects on masculinities, violence, homophobia, sexuality, and health, and has coordinated them. Responsible for the academic body of Prodep on sexuality, identity, and well-being. President of the Regional Mexico Network of the International Partnership for Queer Youth Resilience (INQYR). Member of the Executive Council of the Mexican Academy of Men's Gender Studies. His academic work was recognized with the Youth Award of the Federal District, awarded by the Youth Institute (Injuve).


Héctor Iván Delgado Estrada

Martial artist, Nipón Kempo teacher, and Casino Dance (Cuban salsa) instructor. He has professional training in Peace Education, Nonviolence and Human Rights, Community Intervention, Gender with a critical analysis of masculinity, Re-education of Aggressive Men, and Violence Analysis; Artistic and Aesthetic Education, and Psychocorporal Expression. He studied for a degree in Visual Arts at UNAM and the Multinational Seminar on Contemporary Art in the Comprehensive Photography and Alternative Media Program at the Centro de la Imagen of CENART-INBA. He is a consultant, educator, and speaker with over 15 years of experience training around 15,000 people on topics such as creative processes, human development, aesthetic and artistic education, self-awareness, gender, critical analysis of masculinity, human relationships, psycho-emotional support and containment, inclusive and non-sexist language, culture of peace and non-violence, and prevention of discrimination and gender-based violence. He coordinated the national distribution editorial project. Visual explorations in visual arts and education with a gender perspective. She worked in the general coordination of the central team of the National Project Opening Schools for Equity and Nonviolence of the Organization of Ibero-American States and the SEP.


Lía Nereida García Barreto

She is a writer, oral storyteller, and performance artist. Activist and defender of human rights for trans people. Anti-racist feminist learner in a living and continuous process of decolonization. She co-founded the Trans Youth Network Mexico in 2016, along with her sister Jessica Marjane. In 2019, they co-founded the TransMarikitas Archive of LGBT Children's and Young Adult Literature, along with their life partner Canuto Roldán. His pedagogical projects have focused on building affective bridges between trans experience, activism, and the sociopolitical context through artistic performance, carried out in complex spaces (prisons, schools, public squares, markets, and hospitals, among others) that oppress and imprison the identities of sexual dissent.





June 7, 2024
