SO CLOSE TO THE VIRGIN! The relationship of symbolic-religious capital with other capitals among agents who perform the custody of the Virgin of San Juan
This sociocultural research deals with the religiosity performed by privileged agents (individual and collective) organized as groups that carry out the custody of the symbol of the Virgin of San Juan in a particular religious field such as that offered by San Juan de los Lagos. The general objective is to understand the relationships between the symbolic-religious capital –(re)produced, monopolized/democratized, and distributed by the agents who perform the custody of the Virgin of San Juan– with the economic, socio-family, and political capitals accumulated in the locality.
In particular terms, the research aims to characterize the concrete ways in which symbolic-religious capital operates, which circumscribes what is understood here as the custody of the Virgin and which is carried out by the aforementioned groups. It seeks to analyze the transmutations between symbolic-religious capital and other forms of capital. Similarly, it aims to investigate how the exercise of power, as well as the centralization of these capitals, is consciously carried out by the agents in question. In such a way that the research answers the general question: the privileged agents (paraecclesial and clerical groups) who perform the custody of the Virgin, in what ways do they orient strategic action to transmute (convert, assist, legitimize, and promote) the symbolic-religious capital (mythical-religious discourse, ritual performance, and ownership) into the economic, socio-family, and political capitals of the locality, and vice versa?


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