LIVE MEDICINE: Philosophical Issues on Health and Illness
In recent decades, societies around the world have shown significant maturity regarding the awareness of the value of life in any of its manifestations. However, the different behaviors that bring us closer to this awareness can be directed towards a common good through reflection, bringing us closer to the most intimate and almost exclusive nature of our being, humanism. The reflections provided by this book, Medicine in the Raw. Philosophical questions about health and illness are a sign of social maturity that address one of the key factors where the analyst can be the subject of their own experience.
Promoting life, whether in its conception, preservation, or quality, falls under the principles that can be embraced from an ethical perspective. The health-disease dichotomy is closely linked to decision-making where right or wrong are concepts that translate into tangible outcomes, but under certain conditions, the boundaries are very subtle and therefore it is necessary to strengthen and define them. The in-depth analysis presented in the 13 chapters of this book helps to define positions on a wide thematic range of very representative reflections that go hand in hand with both current regulations and the latest in biomedical sciences.
The dizzying speed with which scientific advances are projected greatly surpasses their ethical considerations. This frequent gap forces a pause and a breath, and this book precisely provides that breath on topics such as health, a design science, the current concept of the definition of health, biomedicine and the metaphysics of medicine, how far to trust medicine, the role of education in clinical practice, the sense of mentor-apprentice knowledge transfer, the case of carcinogenesis, the intersection between sign, symptom, and clinical eye, epidemiology and its models, the link between animals and humans through zoonosis and its prevention, the correlation between artificial intelligence and health, the phenomenon of addictions, and finally the stance on the final phase such as agony.
The profile of the authors guarantees a quality and academic rigor in this text that instills confidence in the validity of their analyses. Similarly, the different geographical origins of the contributors reflect the same concerns beyond our borders given their universal nature.
This book will be very useful for supporting the training of professionals in health sciences or scholars of the philosophy of science, or for collegiate bodies such as ethics or bioethics committees, and it will surely come to be considered a good bibliographic reference.
Introduction by the editors
Chapter 1. Medicine as a Design Science
Chapter 2. Towards a Systemic Definition of Health
Chapter 3. Scientific Realism in Biomedicine: The Metaphysics of Medicine
Chapter 4. Medical Nihilism: Can We Trust Medicine?
Chapter 5. Critical Thinking: Educated Cognition for Clinical Practice
Chapter 6. Relevance of the mentor-apprentice relationship in the transmission of tacit knowledge in surgery
Chapter 7. Signifying Knowledge: An Experiential View of Carcinogenesis
Chapter 8. The Virtuous Gaze: The Abductive Intersection Between Signs, Symptoms, and the Clinical Eye in Medical Diagnosis
Chapter 9. Intimacy and Integrity in Epidemiology: Reviewing Health Paradigms through Kasulis' Philosophical Proposal
Chapter 10. An Epistemological Review of Zoonoses: Rethinking the Normative Scope of Our Preventive Duties for Health
Chapter 11. AI and Surveillance Policies: Impacts on Menstrual and Reproductive Health
Chapter 12. The Ambivalence of Agency Control in Addiction
Chapter 13. "As I Lay Dying": Epistemic Injustice at the End of Life


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