90 YEARS, 10 DECADES: Faenas and lights of Alfonso Pérez Romo
Biography, Tauromaquia, Bullfighters, Alfonso Pérez Romo, Bullfighting, Bullfighting culture, Art, Bullfighting hobbySynopsis
Born on December 13, 1924, in Hidalgo del Parral, Chihuahua, Dr. Alfonso Pérez Romo, from Aguascalientes, was a multifaceted man: pediatrician, aesthete, professor, businessman, critic, writer, founder of institutions. However, to say that a good part of his life was dedicated, for example, to studying various works of art, from the Lascaux caves to Velázquez, would be speaking the truth, although with injustice, because the Doctor was less seduced by the concrete than by the abstract: not art, but beauty; not teaching, but education; not medicine, but health and illness. It was necessary to look for the depth of things. To understand the real (concrete), through the invisible (abstract), was a capital issue in his long and fruitful life. His way of living bullfighting, the conversation that summons us, is also proof of the above: he saw mystery, art, beauty, ritual, sacredness; not only a bullfighter in front of a bull.
This 2024 we commemorate 100 years of Pérez Romo's birth and ten decades of his hobby. They are two centenaries, but understood from different angles. His last public appearance, symbolically, was in the Monumental Bullring of Aguascalientes, on Sunday, October 22, 2022: in the framework of the 447th anniversary of our city, the government gave him a recognition, which consisted of unveiling a plaque, inside the Monumental, where he was recognized for his importance “for being a great pillar of the bullfighting greatness of Aguascalientes, as a businessman and fan”. Once the ceremony was over, the Doctor and his companions stayed to watch the bullfight. He died two days later. He was 97 years old. The computation, in closed numbers, gives 90 years of his bullfighting hobby, however, if we count the decades, it is different, because it accumulates 10.
90 Years, 10 Decades is composed of five sections (“Atrium”, “Ruedos”, “Evocations”, “Rites” and “Inheritances”) and a gallery in the middle of the book, which is made up of 36 images, from the private archive of the Pérez family, which give a sample of the Doctor's bullfighting life as well as a visual tour in which names like Fermín Espinosa, Conchita Cintrón, Rafael Rodríguez, Alfonso Ramírez or Enrique Ponce pass by.
The Doctor loved his land and the bulls, and the land and the bulls felt that love. And they let him know it, by way of farewell, on October 22, 2022. It seems as if life had wanted to tell Doctor Perez Romo that it knew of his love and that it was giving him one last bullfight, where he would also find echoes of what he was: from Aguascalientes, "hidrocálido" and from San Marcos.
PrologueThe boy and his little plaza: the bullfighting culture of Doctor Pérez Romo
Aguascalientes and bullfighting
Alfonso Pérez Romo, a businessman with universal vision
From the bullring to the bullrings: the big difference
Dialogue with the past: interview by Juan Ángel José Pérez Talamantes to David Clemente Sánchez
On an April afternoon
How lucky I am
The Doctor's palco
Letter to Doctor Alfonso Pérez Romo
Alfonso Perez Romo: Acalitano
Fragments in gold and silver
Encierro in the Sierra Fría
Don Alfonso, friendship and the Fiesta
The scent and the deep sense of bullfighting
Don Alfonso Pérez Romo; how a passion is born
Alfonso Pérez Romo: amateur, painter and philosopher of bullfighting
With the Fiesta Brava in our hearts
Why are the bullfighters coming back?
A sad breeze through the olive trees
The bullfighting of Alfonso Pérez Romo


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